Every company seems to have problems managing their petty cash funds properly. This is mainly caused by the sheer amount of different people that have access to the petty cash funds. Getting control of your company’s petty cash fund and managing it properly is an effective way to reduce costs and manage the expenses of your company. One way to begin the process is by using an effective Petty Cash Receipt Template.
The Petty Cash Template offers you a wide range of features that will help you get control of the petty cash fund so you can reduce your company’s expenses. The template is compatible with Microsoft Word® 2007 through 2013 so no matter what version of the software your company uses, the Petty Cash Receipt Template is right for you and your company. The template is highly customizable, allowing you to add your company’s logo and even change the colors to match the color’s of your company.
Contained in the Petty Cash Receipt Template, you will find all the fields necessary to track your petty cash expenses easily and effectively. Using the fields correctly, you track the type of expenses and who made them as well as what manager approved each and every expense. These fields can be completely customized to suit your needs so you can create a template that is right for you and your company. You can print three of the receipts per page so you can save paper while using the receipts as well.
Tracking every aspect of your company’s expenses is paramount in today’s competitive economy. Using the Petty Cash Receipt Template, you can make it simple to not only track your petty cash expenses, you can also make it easy for everyone to use. This template is available for free making it the perfect way to track and reduce your company’s expenses without it costing your company a penny.