Your next big event is approaching soon, and you don’t even know where to start to plan it. Depending on the event, you will need to put in a whole lot of time and energy to make sure everything goes smoothly. Starting the planning process from scratch is tough, that is why using an Event To Do List template as a guide will make everything much simpler, smoother, and easier on you.
Here are some event planning worksheets and templates to help you.
Event Budget Planning Template
Event’s will also have a budget that you have to keep, by using an Event Budget Planning Template the process of planning for the budget is a lot simpler. This template will ease some of the frustrations of trying to create the perfect event while staying in the budget that you have.
If you are putting on a School Event, then there are also less generic lists to help you. A School Event To-do List will provide you with information on what exactly goes into your school event. Using a to-do list will allow you to complete all the planning aspects and you won’t forget anything important.
School Event To-do List
Event Planning Checklist for Student Organization
College Event Planning Checklist
Event Planning Timeline & Checklist
An event planning checklist is an outline that shows you step by step how to plan your next event. This is for generic events and can help with any event. Planning is one of the hardest steps, by using a template you will be able to get this done faster and with a lot less energy spent on planning the event.
Event Planning Checklist Template
Event Planning Checklist in Word
Event Planning Checklist (Word Doc)
Event Planning Checklist in PDF Format
Blank Event Planning Checklist
6-12 Months Pre-Event Planning Checklist
Pre-Planning Event Checklist
Pre Event Planning Checklist
A common forgotten aspect of events is what takes place after. With a Post Event Checklist Worksheet, you will be able to see exactly what needs to happen after your event. Many people don’t plan out this far and that leaves them trying to run around and get the post event things taken care of.
Post Event Checklist
Event Management Checklist
Catering Event Planning Checklist
Catering Event Checklist in PDF
Fundraising Event Planning Worksheet
Fundraising Event Planning Checklist
Corporate Event Planning Checklist
Event Planning Worksheet
Event Planning Guide and Worksheet
Event Planning Checklist and Action Sheet
Event To Do List
Special Event Planning Checklist
Church Event Planning Checklist
General Event Planning Checklist
Sports Club Event Planning Checklist
Another less generic event is a wedding. A lot of planning goes into weddings and the stress is high to make this night one to remember for the bride and groom. A wedding To Do List will give you an idea on what exactly your wedding event needs and how you can make it perfect. You may also like to see wedding guest list or wedding day checklist for bride.
12 Month Planning Wedding Checklist
Wedding Event Checklist
Wedding Venue Checklist
Wedding Day Checklist for Bride
Wedding Checklist for Bridesmaid
Wedding Day Photography Checklist
Venue Inspection Checklist Template
Venue Requirement Checklist
Wedding Day Emergency Checklist
Healthcare Event Planning Checklist
In your next big project, it would be a good idea to have an event supervisor. By providing an Event Supervisor To-do List, you have a step by step list of what exactly the supervisor needs to do. By having this list, you ensure that your event will be a huge hit and that everything will go smoothly and as planned.
Event Supervisor To-do List
Event Safety Checklist
Things to keep in mind while dealing with event to do lists:
- Remember the purpose of your event – While using a list will make things much easier, it is important that you do not forget the purpose of your event. If you always have this in mind when using to do lists, you will have the best event. You may even have to alter some of the list to complete the purpose you are looking for.
- Execution is key – While planning your event is the bases for a successful event, you also need to execute the plans. Have your to do lists handy, but don’t forget that you need to execute how you planned.
- Variation is good… sometimes – Often times you will have an event, and realize that nothing is going as planned. Just remember that it doesn’t have to go exactly how the to do list explained it. If people are having a good time and your purpose of the event is being accomplished, then accept the variation and improve upon it.
- Review your event – If you run a lot of events, it is important that you review how your event goes to make improvements on your next event. Write down what went well, and what went wrong. Add these to you to do lists for when you use them next.