Follow Up Letter Template – 11+ Formats, Samples & Examples

You have applied to your dream job, got the call for the interview and you are wondering what else you can do to stand out and land this job of your life. What are your options? One thing that shouldn’t be overlooked is the importance of what a follow-up letter can do to help your chances. This cover letter is vital and should be carefully organized and edited. Using a follow up letter template or sample as a guide for you can make this step much simpler, clearer and easier for you.


Here are some great follow-up letters to aid in your writing and help you with landing that new job.

Follow-Up Letter Letter After Interview

Follow Up Letter Letter After Interview 1

Using a follow up letter after no response of an employer lets them know that you are serious about the job and willing to take initiative.

Follow Up Letter After No Response

Follow Up Letter After No Response

Follow Up Email After No Response

Follow Up Email After No Response

Follow Up Interview Letter Format

Follow Up Interview Letter Format 1

Client Follow-Up Letter Template

Client Follow Up Letter Template 1

Follow-up letters are for a variety of circumstances, whatever the circumstance, a template will make things much simpler.

Sales Follow-Up Letter PDF Format

Sales Follow Up Letter PDF Format 1

An Interview follow-up letter is used after you have been interviewed and want to stand above the crowd to land that new job.

Job Interview Follow-Up Letter Sample

Job Interview Follow Up Letter Sample 1

A follow up letter for job application status will also show your initiative and will help you know where you stand in the application process and your chances of getting the job.

Job Interview Follow Up Letter

Job Interview Follow Up Letter

Resume Follow-Up Letter Format

Resume Follow Up Letter Format 1

Using a follow up email after sending resumes in will also help you in the application process. Often employers will only glance at resumes but if you send an email to follow up on it, they are more likely to take time to consider your resume more.

Follow Up Email After Sending Resume

Follow Up Email After Sending Resume

Phone Interview Follow Up Letter

Phone Interview Follow Up Letter

Payment Follow-Up Letters are used to thank for a payment and show that you have an edge over your competitors. If professionally done, you can retain customers.

Business Follow-Up Letter in PDF

Business Follow Up Letter in PDF 1


How to Write a Follow-up Letter

  • Reinforce the skills you possess: This letter is a chance for you to stand out, make sure to outline your skills briefly.
  • Keep your letter short: The employer that you are sending to is probably very busy and so you want to make sure that you do not waste their time with a long email.
  • Revise: Make sure that your letter is professional, that there are no mistakes, and it is clearly worded.

Points to Include in Follow-up letter

Here are some points to make sure you include in your letter:

  • Reiterate you skills: A good idea is to reiterate one or two of your key skills that will make you stand out to this employer.
  • Show off: Make sure to include why you are right for this job and for the company.
  • Make an impression: These employers get plenty of applications. Make sure to sell yourself and make that great first or second impression.

If you are looking for a follow up letter after interview then you might also want to see thank you letter after interview.



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